Friv 144 Games

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Friv 144 Games

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Friv 144 Games

Cute Pet Panda 👍83%

Cute Pet Panda

Reversi 👍69%


Knee Surgery Simulator 👍73%

Knee Surgery Simulator 👍84%

Scooby Doo: The Mysterious Mansion 👍83%

Scooby Doo: The Mysterious Mansion

Princess Trendy Shopaholic 👍84%

Princess Trendy Shopaholic

Stratego Win or Lose 👍73%

Stratego Win or Lose

Dot Adventure 👍81%

Dot Adventure

Barbie Wonderland Looks 👍80%

Barbie Wonderland Looks

Safe Haven 👍86%

Safe Haven

Fruit Slasher 👍78%

Fruit Slasher

City Connect 2 👍80%

City Connect 2

Tom and Jerry: Blast Off 👍88%

Tom and Jerry: Blast Off

Moana The New Girl In School 👍81%

Moana The New Girl In School

Orange Bubbles 👍84%

Orange Bubbles

Dynamons 2 👍91%

Dynamons 2

Barbie Visits Moana 👍84%

Barbie Visits Moana

Coco Manicure 👍71%

Coco Manicure

Princesses Tea Party In Wonderland 👍87%

Princesses Tea Party In Wonderland

Avengers Hydra Dash 👍82%

Avengers Hydra Dash

Princess Elsa Afternoon 👍82%

Princess Elsa Afternoon

KOGAMA: Ghost House 👍85%

KOGAMA: Ghost House

Knots 👍76%


Girly Spa 👍78%

Girly Spa

Newborn Sister Grows Up 👍74%

Newborn Sister Grows Up

Ariel Vs Elsa Party Girls 👍87%

Ariel Vs Elsa Party Girls

Elsas Ice Cream Rolls 👍80%

Elsas Ice Cream Rolls

Princess Fidget Spinner Design 👍76%

Princess Fidget Spinner Design

Elsa's Dream Sea Cake 👍85%

Elsa's Dream Sea Cake

Cardinal Run 👍83%

Cardinal Run

Happy Slushie 👍79%

Happy Slushie

Gracie The Fairy Adventure 👍83%

Gracie The Fairy Adventure

Cyborg Slayer 👍78%

Cyborg Slayer

Candy Craft 👍79%

Candy Craft

Looney Tunes: Fearless Flier 👍89%

Looney Tunes: Fearless Flier

Iceland Adventure 2 👍85%

Iceland Adventure 2 👍84%

Bounzy Online 👍88%

Bounzy Online

Bff Pink Makeover 👍78%

Bff Pink Makeover

Dragon Vs Bricks 👍85%

Dragon Vs Bricks

Bubbles Shooter Classic 👍81%

Bubbles Shooter Classic

Bob the Robber 3 👍84%

Bob the Robber 3

Ellie Fab Selfie 👍79%

Ellie Fab Selfie

Slice Fruit 👍81%

Slice Fruit

Baby Dino Adventures 👍87%

Baby Dino Adventures

Princesses Royal Ball 👍79%

Princesses Royal Ball

Elsa Fashion Blogger 👍81%

Elsa Fashion Blogger

Mafia Billiard Tricks 👍85%

Mafia Billiard Tricks

KOGAMA CubeCraft 👍83%

KOGAMA CubeCraft

Candy Girl Adventure 👍82%

Candy Girl Adventure

Mini Race Rush 👍79%

Mini Race Rush

Fruit Break 👍81%

Fruit Break

Barbies Childish Outfits 👍87%

Barbies Childish Outfits

Amigo Pancho 👍83%

Amigo Pancho 👍85%

Fashion Princesses And Balloon Festival 👍86%

Fashion Princesses And Balloon Festival

Princess Color Run 👍79%

Princess Color Run

Tetra 👍77%


Target Hunt 👍76%

Target Hunt

Flu Doctor 👍80%

Flu Doctor

Machine Carnage 👍83%

Machine Carnage

Flappy Bounce 👍76%

Flappy Bounce

Elsas Snapchat Challenge 👍73%

Elsas Snapchat Challenge

Bus Rush 👍80%

Bus Rush

Mao Mao: The Perfect Adventure 👍84%

Mao Mao: The Perfect Adventure

Little Hand Doctor 👍73%

Little Hand Doctor

My Autumn Porch Decor 👍84%

My Autumn Porch Decor

KOGAMA: Radiator Springs 👍85%

KOGAMA: Radiator Springs

Pyramid Solitaire Express 👍79%

Pyramid Solitaire Express



Paper Racers 👍85%

Paper Racers

Princesses Have Fun In College 👍76%

Princesses Have Fun In College

Zball 3 👍74%

Zball 3

Rapunzel Wedding Dress Designer 👍77%

Rapunzel Wedding Dress Designer

Truck Driver Crazy Road 2 👍79%

Truck Driver Crazy Road 2

Caveman Hunt 👍82%

Caveman Hunt

Power Mahjong The Tower 👍75%

Power Mahjong The Tower

Valet Parking 👍75%

Valet Parking

Tanks 3D Online 👍78%

Tanks 3D Online

Geometry Tower 👍83%

Geometry Tower

Barbie In India 👍86%

Barbie In India

Talking Tom Playing Snowballs 👍80%

Talking Tom Playing Snowballs

Princess Spring Refreashion 👍82%

Princess Spring Refreashion

Way of Hero 👍79%

Way of Hero

Masked Shooters Single Player 👍81%

Masked Shooters Single Player

Eggy Car 👍80%

Eggy Car

Baby Elsa School Decorate 👍83%

Baby Elsa School Decorate

Ladybug And Elsas First Aid 👍73%

Ladybug And Elsas First Aid

Save The Monsters 👍79%

Save The Monsters

Magical Pony Caring 👍82%

Magical Pony Caring

Parking Fury 1 👍78%

Parking Fury 1

Moana Stylish Tropical Flowers 👍86%

Moana Stylish Tropical Flowers

Spect 👍79%


Dark Days 👍81%

Dark Days

Dunk Brush 👍76%

Dunk Brush

Ladybug Glittery Makeup 👍79%

Ladybug Glittery Makeup

Roll the Ball 👍78%

Roll the Ball

Foosball 👍80%


Barbie Selfie Make Up 👍84%

Barbie Selfie Make Up

Fishing Frenzy 👍81%

Fishing Frenzy

Princess Dressing Style Challenge 👍73%

Princess Dressing Style Challenge

Henry Danger: Crime Travelers 👍81%

Henry Danger: Crime Travelers

KOGAMA Leaks From the Sewers 👍81%

KOGAMA Leaks From the Sewers

Rumble Arena 👍87%

Rumble Arena

Smiley Cubes 👍81%

Smiley Cubes

Mahjong Flowers 👍76%

Mahjong Flowers

Ice Maker 👍76%

Ice Maker 👍82%

Bill The Bowman 👍81%

Bill The Bowman

Black Meow ninja 👍77%

Black Meow ninja

Death Run 3D 👍81%

Death Run 3D

Tetroid 2 👍78%

Tetroid 2

Bomb It 7 👍88%

Bomb It 7

Flipping Gun Simulator 👍79%

Flipping Gun Simulator

Kiba & Kumba: Tri-towers 👍74%

Kiba & Kumba: Tri-towers

Bomb it 5 👍85%

Bomb it 5

Balls Vs Blocks 👍75%

Balls Vs Blocks

Crime City 3D 2 👍85%

Crime City 3D 2

Archery Training 👍76%

Archery Training

High School Clinic 👍83%

High School Clinic

Pet Salon 👍78%

Pet Salon

Elsa Wedding Design 👍82%

Elsa Wedding Design

Year Round Fashionista Elsa 👍85%

Year Round Fashionista Elsa

Art College Classes for Princess 👍85%

Art College Classes for Princess

Blondie's Dream Car 👍82%

Blondie's Dream Car

KOGAMA: West Town 👍84%

KOGAMA: West Town

Barbies Bridal Styles 👍84%

Barbies Bridal Styles

Bomb It 6 👍85%

Bomb It 6

Death Chase 2 👍77%

Death Chase 2

Cinderella Goes To Paris 👍78%

Cinderella Goes To Paris

Summer Braided Hairstyles 👍73%

Summer Braided Hairstyles

Stickman Boost 👍81%

Stickman Boost

Neon Ball 3d On The Run 👍78%

Neon Ball 3d On The Run

Craig Of The Creek: The Legendary Trials 👍82%

Craig Of The Creek: The Legendary Trials

Moana's Guests 👍81%

Moana's Guests

Gold Miner Tom 👍80%

Gold Miner Tom

Ice Princess Mommy Real Makeover 👍82%

Ice Princess Mommy Real Makeover

Strike Solitaire 👍76%

Strike Solitaire

Tom and Jerry: Chasing Jerry 👍87%

Tom and Jerry: Chasing Jerry

Bubble Guriko 👍81%

Bubble Guriko

Mexico Rex 👍84%

Mexico Rex

Snake And Blocks 👍74%

Snake And Blocks

Super Brawl 4 👍85%

Super Brawl 4 👍86%

Stickman Army : Team Battle 👍85%

Stickman Army : Team Battle

Cemetery Warrior 👍82%

Cemetery Warrior

Space Blaze 2 👍83%

Space Blaze 2

Footstar 👍70%


Rapunzel's Garden 👍79%

Rapunzel's Garden

Drone Flight 👍83%

Drone Flight

RoBBiE 👍80%


Cannon Basketball 4 👍77%

Cannon Basketball 4

Heap Up Box 👍68%

Heap Up Box

Spinner Master 👍81%

Spinner Master

Pac Maker 👍80%

Pac Maker

KOGAMA: Temple Of Doom 👍89%

KOGAMA: Temple Of Doom

KOGAMA The elevator 👍83%

KOGAMA The elevator

GoalkeeperChallenge 👍82%


Vex 4 👍81%

Vex 4

Unpark me 👍81%

Unpark me

Fashion Eve with Royal Sisters 👍76%

Fashion Eve with Royal Sisters

Monkey Duck 👍77%

Monkey Duck

Cute Moe 3D Dressup 👍83%

Cute Moe 3D Dressup

The Boy and The Golem 👍82%

The Boy and The Golem

Feed Mypetdog Numbers 👍78%

Feed Mypetdog Numbers

Princess Wedding Theme Oriental 👍87%

Princess Wedding Theme Oriental

Happy Koala 👍83%

Happy Koala

KOGAMA Jungle Adventure 👍84%

KOGAMA Jungle Adventure

X Trial Racing 👍81%

X Trial Racing

Subway Surfers World Tour: Seoul 👍85%

Subway Surfers World Tour: Seoul

Wheely 7 👍85%

Wheely 7

Frizzle Fraz 5 👍83%

Frizzle Fraz 5

Run Sausage Run 👍85%

Run Sausage Run

Burger Time 👍80%

Burger Time

Princess Back 2 School Lockers 👍81%

Princess Back 2 School Lockers

Maze 👍81%


Disney Princess Prom Dress Up 👍79%

Disney Princess Prom Dress Up

Restaurant Makeover 👍75%

Restaurant Makeover

Princesses Summer Chafing Dish 👍77%

Princesses Summer Chafing Dish

Bff Kawaii Look 👍80%

Bff Kawaii Look

Watercraft Rush 👍76%

Watercraft Rush

Anna Elsa And Moana College Time 👍82%

Anna Elsa And Moana College Time

Slope 👍82%


All The Same 👍78%

All The Same

Stickman Fighter: Epic Battles 👍82%

Stickman Fighter: Epic Battles

Pregnant Mommy Ambulance 👍82%

Pregnant Mommy Ambulance

My Everyday Fashion Style 👍80%

My Everyday Fashion Style

Match: A Swipe Puzzle 👍68%

Match: A Swipe Puzzle

Moana Foot Surgery 👍67%

Moana Foot Surgery

Blocky Sharpshooter 👍78%

Blocky Sharpshooter

Princesses Justice League Dress 👍68%

Princesses Justice League Dress

Paw Patrol Corn Roast Catastrophe 👍84%

Paw Patrol Corn Roast Catastrophe

Goldie Princess Skin Doctor 👍79%

Goldie Princess Skin Doctor

Pet Sports 👍80%

Pet Sports

Disney Redheads Boho Hairstyles 👍86%

Disney Redheads Boho Hairstyles

Ice Queen Realife Shopping 👍83%

Ice Queen Realife Shopping

KOGAMA Adopt Children and Form Your Family 👍85%

KOGAMA Adopt Children and Form Your Family

Frozen Elsa Gives Birth 👍79%

Frozen Elsa Gives Birth

Space Shooter 👍71%

Space Shooter

Dd Pattern 👍83%

Dd Pattern

Vehicles 👍76%


Bomb It Mission 👍79%

Bomb It Mission

Zombies Can't Jump 2 👍78%

Zombies Can't Jump 2

Kick The Buddy 2 Online 👍82%

Kick The Buddy 2 Online

Bunnicula: Cursed Diamond 👍82%

Bunnicula: Cursed Diamond

Candy Memory 👍87%

Candy Memory

Mermaid Or Princess 👍79%

Mermaid Or Princess

Werewolf Girl Real Makeover 👍81%

Werewolf Girl Real Makeover

World Football Kick 2018 👍80%

World Football Kick 2018

My Dolphin Show 7 👍83%

My Dolphin Show 7

TapTap Shots 👍81%

TapTap Shots

Ice Queen Twins Family Day 👍81%

Ice Queen Twins Family Day

KOGAMA Build UP to WIN 👍78%


Idle Miners 👍86%

Idle Miners

Elsa And Anna Winter Trends 👍87%

Elsa And Anna Winter Trends

Juliet House Escape 👍79%

Juliet House Escape

Barbies Careers 👍86%

Barbies Careers

Hero BFFs Pregnant Check up 👍81%

Hero BFFs Pregnant Check up

Elsa Dress Style Attempt 👍75%

Elsa Dress Style Attempt

KOGAMA: ParkourWood 👍80%

KOGAMA: ParkourWood

Which My Little Pony Are You 👍81%

Which My Little Pony Are You

Angela Twins Family Day 👍81%

Angela Twins Family Day

DragnBoom Online 👍81%

DragnBoom Online

KOGAMA: School 👍84%

KOGAMA: School

Barbie Loves Her Job 👍82%

Barbie Loves Her Job

Elsas Summer Vacation 👍79%

Elsas Summer Vacation

Money Movers 2 👍85%

Money Movers 2

Monster Truck Forest Delivery 👍77%

Monster Truck Forest Delivery

Talk to my Axe 👍86%

Talk to my Axe

Princess or Minion 👍82%

Princess or Minion

Kids Tangram 👍77%

Kids Tangram

Princesses Little Sisters Day 👍86%

Princesses Little Sisters Day

Princess Mermaid Parade 👍83%

Princess Mermaid Parade

Ninja Run 👍81%

Ninja Run

Pie Real Life Cooking 👍82%

Pie Real Life Cooking

Battle of Tanks 👍82%

Battle of Tanks

Ravens Nightmare 👍84%

Ravens Nightmare

Spiders and Deads 👍79%

Spiders and Deads

Ninja PvP Easter 👍87%

Ninja PvP Easter

Princess In Floral Dress 👍81%

Princess In Floral Dress

Barbie Flatlay Expert 👍76%

Barbie Flatlay Expert

Find 10 Differences 👍60%

Find 10 Differences

Kid Danger: Monster Attack 👍81%

Kid Danger: Monster Attack

Hamster Match 👍77%

Hamster Match

Barbie Unboxing Challenge 👍78%

Barbie Unboxing Challenge

Girls Fix It Jessie's Ice Cream Truck 👍84%

Girls Fix It Jessie's Ice Cream Truck

Little Throat Doctor 👍67%

Little Throat Doctor

Freecell Solitaire 👍71%

Freecell Solitaire

Monster Doctor 👍69%

Monster Doctor

Maserati Granturismo 👍83%

Maserati Granturismo

KoWaRa 👍83%


Tank Trouble 2 👍80%

Tank Trouble 2

Elsie Dream Dress 👍80%

Elsie Dream Dress

Impossible Bike Stunt 3D 👍81%

Impossible Bike Stunt 3D

Fidget Spinner Creator 👍83%

Fidget Spinner Creator

Princess Maxi Dress 👍76%

Princess Maxi Dress

American Football Challenge 👍82%

American Football Challenge

Tank Wars 👍78%

Tank Wars

Galaxy Girl Real Haircuts 👍84%

Galaxy Girl Real Haircuts

Ariel Mermaid Fashion 👍71%

Ariel Mermaid Fashion

Cyber Hunter 👍79%

Cyber Hunter

Table Tennis World Tour 👍80%

Table Tennis World Tour



Barbies Princess Shoes 👍77%

Barbies Princess Shoes

Baby Spa And Hair Salon 👍76%

Baby Spa And Hair Salon

Princesses Love Watermelon Manicure 👍84%

Princesses Love Watermelon Manicure

Tunnel 👍79%

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