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Friv 144 Games
Cute Pet Panda 👍83%
Reversi 👍69%
Knee Surgery Simulator 👍73% 👍84%
Scooby Doo: The Mysterious Mansion 👍83%
Princess Trendy Shopaholic 👍84%
Stratego Win or Lose 👍73%
Dot Adventure 👍81%
Barbie Wonderland Looks 👍80%
Safe Haven 👍86%
Fruit Slasher 👍78%
City Connect 2 👍80%
Tom and Jerry: Blast Off 👍88%
Moana The New Girl In School 👍81%
Orange Bubbles 👍84%
Dynamons 2 👍91%
Barbie Visits Moana 👍84%
Coco Manicure 👍71%
Princesses Tea Party In Wonderland 👍87%
Avengers Hydra Dash 👍82%
Princess Elsa Afternoon 👍82%
KOGAMA: Ghost House 👍85%
Knots 👍76%
Girly Spa 👍78%
Newborn Sister Grows Up 👍74%
Ariel Vs Elsa Party Girls 👍87%
Elsas Ice Cream Rolls 👍80%
Princess Fidget Spinner Design 👍76%
Elsa's Dream Sea Cake 👍85%
Cardinal Run 👍83%
Happy Slushie 👍79%
Gracie The Fairy Adventure 👍83%
Cyborg Slayer 👍78%
Candy Craft 👍79%
Looney Tunes: Fearless Flier 👍89%
Iceland Adventure 2 👍85% 👍84%
Bounzy Online 👍88%
Bff Pink Makeover 👍78%
Dragon Vs Bricks 👍85%
Bubbles Shooter Classic 👍81%
Bob the Robber 3 👍84%
Ellie Fab Selfie 👍79%
Slice Fruit 👍81%
Baby Dino Adventures 👍87%
Princesses Royal Ball 👍79%
Elsa Fashion Blogger 👍81%
Mafia Billiard Tricks 👍85%
KOGAMA CubeCraft 👍83%
Candy Girl Adventure 👍82%
Mini Race Rush 👍79%
Fruit Break 👍81%
Barbies Childish Outfits 👍87%
Amigo Pancho 👍83% 👍85%
Fashion Princesses And Balloon Festival 👍86%
Princess Color Run 👍79%
Tetra 👍77%
Target Hunt 👍76%
Flu Doctor 👍80%
Machine Carnage 👍83%
Flappy Bounce 👍76%
Elsas Snapchat Challenge 👍73%
Bus Rush 👍80%
Mao Mao: The Perfect Adventure 👍84%
Little Hand Doctor 👍73%
My Autumn Porch Decor 👍84%
KOGAMA: Radiator Springs 👍85%
Pyramid Solitaire Express 👍79%
Paper Racers 👍85%
Princesses Have Fun In College 👍76%
Zball 3 👍74%
Rapunzel Wedding Dress Designer 👍77%
Truck Driver Crazy Road 2 👍79%
Caveman Hunt 👍82%
Power Mahjong The Tower 👍75%
Valet Parking 👍75%
Tanks 3D Online 👍78%
Geometry Tower 👍83%
Barbie In India 👍86%
Talking Tom Playing Snowballs 👍80%
Princess Spring Refreashion 👍82%
Way of Hero 👍79%
Masked Shooters Single Player 👍81%
Eggy Car 👍80%
Baby Elsa School Decorate 👍83%
Ladybug And Elsas First Aid 👍73%
Save The Monsters 👍79%
Magical Pony Caring 👍82%
Parking Fury 1 👍78%
Moana Stylish Tropical Flowers 👍86%
Spect 👍79%
Dark Days 👍81%
Dunk Brush 👍76%
Ladybug Glittery Makeup 👍79%
Roll the Ball 👍78%
Foosball 👍80%
Barbie Selfie Make Up 👍84%
Fishing Frenzy 👍81%
Princess Dressing Style Challenge 👍73%
Henry Danger: Crime Travelers 👍81%
KOGAMA Leaks From the Sewers 👍81%
Rumble Arena 👍87%
Smiley Cubes 👍81%
Mahjong Flowers 👍76%
Ice Maker 👍76% 👍82%
Bill The Bowman 👍81%
Black Meow ninja 👍77%
Death Run 3D 👍81%
Tetroid 2 👍78%
Bomb It 7 👍88%
Flipping Gun Simulator 👍79%
Kiba & Kumba: Tri-towers 👍74%
Bomb it 5 👍85%
Balls Vs Blocks 👍75%
Crime City 3D 2 👍85%
Archery Training 👍76%
High School Clinic 👍83%
Pet Salon 👍78%
Elsa Wedding Design 👍82%
Year Round Fashionista Elsa 👍85%
Art College Classes for Princess 👍85%